
Doing a test, investigation or diagnosis, as the case may be, is always the only way to cancel out doubts, fears or even suspicions about anything. 

The same goes for pregnancy. If you begin to feel changes in your body that make you think you might be pregnant, it is best to do a test to find out. But before you do, these are signs you need to look out for. 

If you are experiencing at least three of these five most common signs of early pregnancy, you’re likely to be expecting a cry soon - maybe in nine months or less. 

Five Signs You Should Take Pregnancy Test

  1. Missed Periods

A missed period is usually the first sign of a pregnancy. Menstrual flow occurs because the uterus sheds the lining prepared for the fetus's implantation. So, if the uterus isn’t shedding its lining, it could be because the egg released during ovulation has been fertilised. Missed periods could also be a result of other hormonal imbalances, stress, or weight loss. 

However, if you notice your period is late or hasn’t come, it is probably hospital O’clock  — and your doctor might just have good news for you. And if you experience light bleeding after your missed period, it is more reason to take a pregnancy test. 

  1. Light Bleeding

About one out of four women experience light bleeding a few days after conception. This bleeding is known as implantation bleeding, which happens when the embryo implants or attaches itself to the endometrium. Women who experience implantation bleeding usually experience it 6-12 days after conception. 

You can differentiate implantation bleeding from regular menstrual bleeding as it is lighter and doesn’t last as long as a menstrual period. You may also notice spotting (tiny amounts of blood) during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. 

If you’ve missed a period and are also experiencing light bleeding, I’d say you draw a budget for your baby shower - but do a pregnancy test first. 

  1. Cramps

Do women always have to experience cramps? If nobody’s going to ask that, I will. 

The truth is, also during the early stages of pregnancy, you can experience cramps similar to menstrual cramps due to implantation activities. The difference between pregnancy cramps and menstrual cramps is the menstrual flow never comes. 

So if you are experiencing menstrual-like cramps without any menstruation, it is time for a pregnancy test. 

  1. Breast Tenderness

The body undergoes a lot of changes when conception occurs. And one of the numerous changes is the increase in the production and secretion of estrogen, progesterone and prolactin in a bid to prepare the body for breastfeeding. 

Because of these, the blood supply to the breasts increases, causing the milk ducts and the breasts to grow larger. The same goes for the areolar which also changes colour in the process. 

So if you are pregnant, your breasts feel tender and your nipples might hurt too as the body prepares the breasts for lactation. If you notice these signs alongside others, it is best to confirm with a pregnancy test.

  1. Nausea

When listing the signs of early pregnancy, nausea doesn't get left out. Morning sickness accompanied by nausea and vomiting is a common sign of pregnancy. 

The reason? Not completely known, but could be linked to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) hormone produced in pregnant women.

Asides from morning sickness, if you are pregnant, you'll likely experience nausea and vomiting at any other time of the day. 

Other Early Signs of Pregnancy

  1. Increased Heart Rate

There is a significant increase in heart rate (tachycardia) in pregnant women because the heart works hard to pump enough blood for the woman and the fetus. 

The blood of the fetus also carries nutrients and oxygen for the healthy development of the baby since the baby can't produce for itself. 

That's why it's advisable to stay off some foods that could be dangerous to the baby and tamper with its development.

  1. Fatigue

It is absolutely normal to feel overly tired and stressed out during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester (and also the third trimester). 

Fatigue during early pregnancy is mainly a result of the various hormonal changes that occur in your body to accommodate the baby. It is not the time to try and do everything yourself (yes! I said that). 

To help with fatigue at this stage, you must try to eat healthily and get enough rest.

Fatigue comes again in the third trimester. At this point, it is mainly due to the extra weight you carry non-stop. Resting up also isn't a bad opinion. 

  1. Mood Swings

Asides from fatigue, hormonal changes are really a big deal during pregnancy and can lead to a whole emotional rollercoaster. 

Sometimes, stress, pregnancy fatigue and even pregnancy discomforts can contribute to mood swings. 

  1. Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine which may happen when you sneeze, cough or laugh. It is not typical for every pregnant woman. Some may experience (about 41%) it, while others will not. And it’s occurrence depends on age and body mass index.

Another reason urinary incontinence occurs is the weakness of the pelvic floor muscles. The pelvic floor muscles support the whole urinary system; which includes the bladder and sphincters that constrict and relax when you want to pee. 

As the stomach bulges and presses down on the pelvic muscles, the strength of the floor reduces, and it is not able to hold urine as efficiently as usual.

You may also experience urinary incontinence during pregnancy if you have an overactive bladder.

Other risk factors of urinary incontinence during pregnancy are

  • Family history of the condition.
  • High body mass index 
  • 35 years and above
  • History of smoking.
  • Prior vaginal delivery.
  • Diabetes, multiple sclerosis, stroke or any other chronic medical condition

Bottom Line

Getting pregnant is mostly good news, but sometimes, it might not be. Whatever may be the case, if you notice any of these symptoms, you can always use a pregnancy strip or go to the hospital for a proper pregnancy test. 

Good luck! 

Written By:
Shalom Ngbala-Okpab
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Further Reading