Derived from Aphrodite, the Greek god of love and beauty, Aphrodisiacs are substances taken to boost sexual desire, attraction and performance.
They exist in the form of food, drinks, herbs, spices, drugs and even chemicals.
There are tons of over-the-counter drugs and supplements available for the sole purpose of sexual enhancement. However, most people prefer natural remedies because they are considered safer with fewer side effects. But if you want to try a drug, be sure to consult your doctor first.
So there's been some controversy as to whether aphrodisiacs work or if they are just a product of our imagination.
In this article, we will discuss items that have been scientifically proven to have aphrodisiac properties and those that don't but for some reason, we believe they do.
Below is a list of food we consider aphrodisiacs but aren't backed up by science.
1. Oysters are the most effective natural aphrodisiacs.
This school of thought can be traced back to the 18th century when Cassanova ate about 50 oysters every morning to boost his libido. Even now, oysters are considered one of the most effective aphrodisiacs but there's still no scientific proof to back that claim. Some say its content is what makes it so effective. But some other foods contain the same set of elements -maybe even more- yet they aren't considered aphrodisiacs.
Some scientific research shows that oysters improved testosterone and progesterone production in males and females respectively, but that research was conducted on rats, not humans. So we'll put this ideology on hold, at least until we find substantial proof showing that oysters boost libido in humans.
2. Honey sweetens your sex life
In ancient times, couples were given sweet foods like honey to make their marriage sweeter. In fact, the origin of the honeymoon can be traced to the sweetness of honey.
However, there's no substantial research that says honey will stimulate a person sexually. On the contrary, some studies showed that a certain type of honey called 'mad honey' could be toxic.
3. Chocolates will trigger erotic emotions
One research detected phenyl ethyl amine(PEA) in chocolate. And PEA is known to arouse human emotions. However, the amount of PEA our bodies absorb from chocolate is not enough to trigger emotions. Another study conducted on 163 women showed no difference in sexual arousal between women who consumed chocolate and those who didn't. However, people believe in its aphrodisiac properties because of its delicious taste.
4. Taking alcohol gets you in the mood
Alcoholic drinks like red wine are considered aphrodisiacs because of their ability to make one feel relaxed. Some people even testify to being turned on after alcohol consumption.
However, a study conducted on 101 men showed that about 58.4% of them who were dependent on alcohol experienced sexual dysfunction. So science believes that alcohol impairs sexual function rather than improves it.
5. Any Food that resembles the male or female sex organ can stimulate sexual desire.
Claudius Galen, an ancient Greek physician believed that foods resemble the part of the human body they are meant to treat. I guess that's one of the reasons people consider foods like oysters, peaches, carrots and bananas aphrodisiacs.
1. Anything that triggers a sense of smell, taste, sight and touch triggers sexual desire.
When it comes to sexual stimulation, nothing is more powerful than your senses.
Ever wondered why you are turned on by the sight of a well-decorated bedroom, with roses, scented candles and all that romantic stuff? That's because everything in the room is triggering your senses at that moment. The scented candles are appealing to your sense of smell, the decoration appeals erotically to your eyes and the music sounds salacious.
You can get triggered by your sense of taste when you eat something you and your partner consider erotic. You wonder why you get aroused after foreplay? It's because it triggers your sense of touch. All of these are great ingredients for a mind-blowing experience in bed.
2. Foods that create warmth boost libido
One study conducted on 114 men showed that men who preferred spicy food had higher testosterone levels than those who didn't.
Also, spicy food items like chilli peppers contain a certain element called capsaicin. Capsaicin is known to elevate mood and alertness which may lead to sexual stimulation.
3. Foods that improve blood circulation like asparagus and artichokes can serve as aphrodisiacs
One of the major causes of weak erection is poor blood flow to the penis. Hence, any food or drug that can improve blood flow to your intimate area will improve sexual performance
And foods like asparagus, artichokes, and vegetables are very good at that. Even our local Nigerian veggies like bitter leaf and pumpkin leaves(ugwu) can help with blood production and blood flow.
Although their effect isn't instant, we can still consider them aphrodisiacs.
4. Psychological triggers are super-effective
Believing a food can boost your sex drive automatically makes it an aphrodisiac for you. And since it's associated with your mind, it will most likely have a powerful effect on you. That's why most people have reported boosting their libido with certain foods. This doesn't make those foods aphrodisiacs but it works for them because their mind already embraced the idea.
5. A healthy lifestyle is the best solution:
A healthy diet and regular exercise will increase energy levels and leave you in the best frame of mind. Including healthy foods like fruits and vegetables in your diet can improve blood circulation and reduce your chances of unhealthy weight gain -a common trigger of erectile dysfunction.
Plus, exercising regularly helps increase testosterone secretion.
Anything may trigger you sexually. It could be roses on a bed, romantic music, lingerie, or even a bowl of ice cream. The point is to embrace whatever works best for you and your partner. Instead of constantly looking up libido-boosting foods on the net, consume any food you both consider aphrodisiacs more often. That way, you don't just boost your sex life, you also build intimacy.