Glow, baby glow!
We are all familiar with that cliche. While Vitamin E does not relent in making our pearl skins glitter, it should interest you to know its benefits span beyond that.
Vitamin E is essential for vision, reproduction, blood circulation, and even the brain. Surprisingly, skincare and repair are secondary benefits of Vitamin E.
First, let us understand Vitamin E for all that it is.
Vitamins are organic substances needed by the body in small amounts for growth, maintenance of good health, and day-to-day survival. They are essential nutrients - meaning they can't be synthesized by the body and are only obtained from dietary sources.
Vitamin E, also known as Tocopherol, is an antioxidant. It is a fat-soluble vitamin that occurs naturally in nuts, seeds, and leafy green vegetables.
Antioxidants are substances that help protect our body cells from free radicals and their adverse effects. These free radicals play roles in heart diseases and even cancer. Therefore, vitamin E acts to fight against these free radicals that expose us to the risk of serious, terminal illnesses.
Dysmenorrhea collectively refers to menstrual cramps and premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
“Vitamin E decreases the need for oxygen in the tissues. If one is deficient in Vitamin E, the demand for oxygen increases.” Dr. Eric Berg DC says. When Vitamin E is sufficient in the body, the need for oxygen in the uterine tissues is solved; thereby reducing the likelihood and occurrence of menstrual cramps.
In 2018, a study of 100 women with dysmenorrhea illustrates these women were relieved of menstrual pain after taking 200 IU of vitamin E daily. [2]
Additionally, in 2021, a study showed that taking Vitamin C and E supplements daily - for eight weeks, reduced pelvic pain and dysmenorrhea, especially in women with endometriosis.
Wellness of our ability to think, learn and remember refers to Cognitive health. It reveals our brain health.
Oxidative stress - a risk factor for cognitive health - refers to an imbalance in free radicals in the body to antioxidants.
This irregular accumulation of free radicals accelerates aging. In turn, this leads to the development of certain chronic conditions including neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s disease.
These neurodegenerative diseases, especially Alzheimer’s affect cognitive health and ability. Here, Vitamin E comes in.
Research indicates that high plasma levels of vitamin E were continually associated with better cognitive performance.
This antioxidant - which protects our body from free radicals - helps ease oxidative stress. It has been clinically tested and shown to have the ability to prevent and delay cognitive impairment in aging and Alzheimer’s patients.
Neuropathy is a common long-term symptom as diabetes progresses to type 2. In diabetes, Neuropathy - also referred to as nerve damage - is caused by the persistence of poor blood sugar control and is characterized by numbness in the feet.
“The higher the blood sugars and the longer they stay high, the greater the chance of developing neuropathy.” - Joel Zonszein MD, Director of the Clinical Diabetes Center at the University Hospital of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Dr. Zonszein further explains, “The nerves affected by high sugars tend to be the longest nerves in the body.” As these nerves go from the spine to the toes, the feet get affected before the arms or hands. Both feet will be affected equally as diabetic neuropathy also tends to be bilateral.
Vitamin E has shown the ability to relieve pain in diabetic neuropathy. The tocotrienol components of the vitamin are responsible for its healing effects. [9]
However, the observable health benefit of Vitamin E in peripheral neuropathy is when taken for a prolonged period with a high dosage. Taking Vitamin E supplements helps reverse vitamin E deficiency-induced neuropathy, but a doctor’s advice must precede implementing supplementation.
The antioxidant properties of tocopherol help one deal with a chronic lung condition. Oxidative stress also harms lung tissues, especially if the patient suffers from a chronic lung ailment.
Vitamin E removes these toxins from the body to avert harm to the lungs. In addition, vitamin E helps lower inflammation in tissues of the lungs - making it one of the best vitamins for weak lungs.
However, research published in the journal Respiratory Research discovered that a form of vitamin E called gamma-tocopherol present in corn, canola, and soybean oils, can be linked to poor lung function in adults.
Meanwhile, alpha-tocopherol, another form of the vitamin found typically in sunflower and olive oils, seemed to have a more beneficial effect on the lungs.
It keeps blood in the right consistency. Alpha-tocopherol Vitamin E can decrease the clotting ability of thrombocytes ( blood platelets).
Additionally, -tocopherol causes blood vessels to expand, allowing a greater volume of blood to flow.
Various cardiovascular-related functions have been associated with Vitamin E. Here, the vitamin’s blood-thinning property comes to play.
Natural and Healthy Sources of Vitamin E
There are healthy sources of Vitamin E and unhealthy sources. Refined carbohydrates or any form of wheat and grain deplete Vitamin E because, in the refining process, the vitamin content loses its efficacy - Dr. Eric Berg DC.
Healthy sources of Vitamin E include;
Supplements might not offer the same benefits as naturally occurring antioxidants in food if you take vitamin E for its antioxidant properties.
However, it is advisable to supplement with Vitamin E when advised by your doctor.
Did You Know?
Vitamin E may help prevent bedwetting.