Can I become a virgin again?!

Be honest, admit it, you've asked Google that question a couple of times. But I totally understand why. There are so many myths that associate vaginal laxity with promiscuity. 

However, you must know that once your hymen is stretched open, they can never grow back.[1]

So no, you can't become a virgin again.

Your vagina is like a rubber band and its job is to expand to fit all sizes. There's no need to get alarmed when it expands during childbirth and penetration. Even though childbirth and ageing have been associated with laxity of the vaginal walls, penetration only does a temporary expansion.[2]

But it's your choice if you still want to tighten your vagina.

For those that don't know, vaginal tightening involves tightening your pelvic floor muscles to enhance their elasticity. It means decreasing the diameter of the vaginal canal to improve urine continence or to enhance sexual pleasure.

To answer the question that has probably been on your mind since you opened this page: How can I tighten my vagina?

There are safe and unsafe ways to get the job done. But I'll start with the unsafe ways:

1. Vagina tightening gels/creams

Kayanmata, Pussy sweeteners, coochie upgrade.

Do these names ring a bell? Yes? I thought so.

These have become extremely popular on social media and even though we don't like to admit it, some of us are loyal customers of these brands. But it's nothing to be ashamed of, we all do what we have to do to get what we want, even if it's a spicy sex life. 

So you've been using these vag tightening gels and it's been working, right? Great.

Sorry to burst your bubble but whatever you feel down there is most definitely not tightness.

Truth is, these products don't work as much as they make you believe. Most of them claim to reverse laxity of the vaginal muscles and detox your intimate area[3]. But I have reasons to believe otherwise.

What these products do is dry out the vaginal wall and decrease lubrication. And without lubrication, friction during penetration increases. This can easily be mistaken for tightness.[4]

As the individual engages in sex, the friction will cause pain, tears and tissue damage. These could leave your vagina susceptible to infections and inflammation.

Swelling may occur and this can also be mistaken for tightness.

2. Natural Ingredients

Some brands convince you by telling you that their products are made from natural ingredients so they are benign. Sadly, unsuspecting customers buy into this idea.

There are so many blogs or so-called sexual health experts that recommend stuffing your vee-jay with food items for tightness.

Here are some of the most popular seemingly harmless ingredients for vaginal tightening:

  1. Alum

Alum is probably the most used ingredient for tightening so you might as well call it the 'virginity stone'. 

Women use alum through douching. Some add it to water and sit in it for a few minutes while others prefer to soak their tampons in alum water. Report has it that this works as fast as 30 minutes.

However, alum isn't as safe as it seems. It destroys the vaginal flora and it has the consistency of sand which stimulates irritation leading to vaginitis.

  1. Ginger and Tumeric

Using spices like ginger, turmeric and pepper in your vagina can kill the cells down there. Instead of inserting them into your vee-jay, eat them, they'll function better that way. 

  1. Yoghurt

I'm guessing you've gotten tons of tips from Mr Google on how to use yoghurt to treat infections and 'sweeten' your vagina(whatever that means). I hope you're not considering any of them and if you've ever tried them out, stop it as soon as possible. 

Adding yoghurt to your flower pot has no effect whatsoever and it might even increase your chances of getting a yeast infection.

  1. Lemon 

Some people believe that lemon juice can balance the pH of the vagina and possibly tighten its walls. But that's all nonsense. Lemon juice is highly acidic, hence it can cause soreness, pain and irritation down there.

  1. Hot water

Steaming your vagina with hot water helps detoxify and tighten it. That's just another crappy tip you'd find on the internet. 

Steaming your vagina with hot water can distort the normal flora and even cause burns. 

Your food should go to your mouth, not your vagina. Avoid inserting food items into your intimate area in the name of enhancing sex drive or cleansing.

Now, the safe ways of tightening your vaginal walls.

1. Kegel Exercise 

One of the safest ways is Kegel exercise. It is an exercise used to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

Research has also shown that kegel exercise also helps in urine, gas and faecal incontinence and reduces the risk of pelvic organ prolapse. It could also help improve sex drive as it enhances blood circulation to the pelvic floor and vagina. 

How to perform Kegel exercise

  1. Position yourself in either a lying, sitting or standing position.
  2. Tighten or squeeze or hold your pelvic floor muscles for about 3 seconds. 
  3. Repeat this procedure 5-10 times, depending on your strength.

With time, you can increase the number of reps. In about 6 months, you should feel tightness.

2. Laser treatments 

This is a non-invasive procedure that uses a laser beam from a wand to gently heat the tissues of the vaginal wall. This heat leads to tears in the tissues of the vaginal wall (dermis and epidermis). In a bid to heal the tears, your body forms more collagen and elastic fibres, thereby increasing the elasticity of the vaginal walls. 

Vaginal laser treatments have proven to be effective and reduce pain, itching, and dryness.[5]

3. Surgery

Also known as Vaginoplasty, it involves repairing damage in the pelvic floor muscles and tightening the vaginal canal surgically. Most times, people use them for cases like trauma or injury during childbirth. Vaginoplasty is sometimes combined with labiaplasty to reduce the size of the labia minora.

It can be done to enhance sensation during sex, fix overstretched vaginal muscles and treat pelvic organ prolapse. Research conducted on over 75 women showed vaginoplasty patients experience improvement in their sexual life

PS: After surgery, you are at risk of experiencing symptoms like loss of sensation, infection, skin necrosis and bleeding.

In conclusion, a loose vagina doesn't necessarily mean a woman is loose sexually, sometimes it could be a result of age and childbirth.
And if you insist on tightening, make sure your doctor approves whatever method you choose to go by.

Written By:
Shalom Ngbala-Okpab
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Further Reading